WM Brand WM329: Classic Starfire Minifig Review

First previewed here!

First of all: wrong skin color. Maybe the legs' skin color is more correct, but it's still not.. Also, despite being "more" accurate, it's still bad because leg and torso/arm colors are not consistent.

Plastic quality is fine though.

Side arm prints. Nothing for the legs, sadly.

Uhhh, sure? I don't get what's going on.

Generally a BAD figure. It feels like they rushed her, and she's just a big mess. I don't recommend getting her. Let's hope someone releases a better version; I don't know if not buying her will signal brands to make more or if buying her will be the signal for brands to make more, different designs.. 

So to summarize, and this is an issue with LOTS of recent figs: 
Print/colors throughout the minifig's parts are inconsistent and the design itself is inaccurate. 

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  1. I agree with your review! I think you should not buy this kind of quality. C'mon it's already bootleg and most of customers buying this cannot afford the original Lego, so the money of the buyers of these bootlegs are hard earned. So they should give us what our hard earned moneys worth. We should let them know that we are bootlegers - High Quality Bootlegers!

    1. Yeah hopefully they improve. If they see that no one's buying this fig, then maybe they'll realize that it's crap and that they'll improve! And I agree with your point about our money being hard earned! :D

  2. The idea is promising but they botched this so hard


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