WM Brand WM310: Black Spider-Man 2099 Minifig Review

First previewed here!

Is he canon? Maybe not. Is he cool? Yes.

I would've preferred a simple, black suit symbiote Spider-Man, but instead we get him. I'm not really disappointed, but I'm not as happy as I would've been with that SDCC Spider-Man.
White and Blue are from DLP. Black is from SY or XINH.

That's it for the front. The details are good, as well as the plastic quality.

Back print. We get nothing for side prints or leg prints.

I don't really have a lot to say about it. If you're a Spider-Man fan, this guy is worth getting, but it's ultimately up to preference!

Thanks to AngeloMarcus for providing all us locals with stuff like this! I honestly wouldn't have thought that I'd build a nice collection of minifigs back when I didn't know the store yet because TLG figs are sooooo expensive.. :(

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  1. It's supposed to be the symbiote suit for 2099, but as far as I can tell, it's just fan fiction.

  2. I'd love to see pics of AngeloMarcus. We don't have this type of store in canada. I'd like to see how you display your stuff too.

    1. I will soon! I actually did last weekend but the pictures were blurry.. Expect my haul post to have AngeloMarcus pictures this weekend! :D


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