POGO PG306, PG308, PG310: TLBM Friends are Family Batman, Robin, and Gordon Minifigs Review

First previewed here!

Plastic was fine and printing too. Not great, but not bad. Better than some POGO releases, but I've also seen better POGO stuff I think.


Back prints.

Robin's mask/goggles have some misprinting..

Also, think these are dual molded arms? Or just well-painted arms?

AngeloMarcus Greenhills just ran out of the Batman stocks, I think, but they will restock soon! That's why I check the store every weekend haha, but for my own MOC parts, etc.

TL;DR - If XINH made these, they would've been better. But they're good enough.

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  1. Pity Batman's cowl is not white like in credits.

    1. Yeah.. :/ Maybe they want us to buy the White Lantern Batman too just so we can replace the head.. :/


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