XINH 744, 746, 750: Reverse Flash, Guy Gardner, and Katana Minfigs Review

First previewed here

So it's Reverse Flash who seems to just be a repaint the 2017 Justice League Flash minifig. 
Guy Gardner seems to be a "new" design, but do note that WM is also releasing another version with orange hair. I'm just wondering how WM will do against XINH. 
Now for Katana, another one off the Suicide Squad list of minifigs. She's from Suicide Squad movie, right? 

Reverse Flash has one red projectile, yes just one. Maybe his other half is injured, joke! 
Guy Gardner has a ring piece and a flad stud piece; good job XINH because POGO just includes the printed lantern piece and no holder unlike what XINH usually does with their Lantern figs. 
Of course, Katana has a katana. 

As usual, no issues with these XINH figs. Great details too! Only issue would be Guy's hair not being orange because he should have orange hair, as far as I know. Again though, WM is coming out with an orange haired one but I think with a different mold!
Katana is also great, but the torso doesn't seem to be minifig-scaled, if you get what I mean, but at least the end product looks nice still!

Without their hairpieces and masks. 

Alternate faces. They all have alternate faces!! Yay!! Too bad there are no back leg printing. 

Side printing! Only Katana has, and it's great!

In general, the figs are great. Quality is good for the most part, but it'll always be up to preference anyway. (But if you're a DC fan, I honestly think these guys are must-haves because 1) you'll have a DCEU Reverse-Flash, 2) another Lantern, and 3) another Suicide Squad movie character!)

I just wonder if AngeloMarcus Greenhills will still release the WM Guy Gardner even though the designs aren't too different. I'll be sure to make a comparison review though if they do end up getting them and I end up getting it too!

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  1. Noice, just got these and they're pretty alright with me.

  2. Got an old Ron Weasler orange lego bowl cut hair from a BAM seller months ago. I also replaced the head with the actual Lego one. Now mine is perfect.

    1. Nice! That's why I love these things! Easily replaceable if we want to hehe


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