POGO PG1125, PG1126: Alien/Prometheus Movies Engineer/Space Jockey Minifigs Rreview

From this bigger set here!

China loves their Alien franchise I guess.

This one came with an extra hand which is a surprise! POGO hasnt given extra hands for some months now, unfortunately.

The way these figs are white are the usual white, not faded, not yellowish, just "real" white. For how long? We'll I'm not sure. So far only my SY Future Foundation Spider-Man that I got maybe around 2-3 years ago turned a bit yellowish, but I think that's normal for toys.. right?

Other than that, the minifigs are alright. They're not bad, but they're not as good as XINH or SY figs.

Arms and legs have side printings for the Engineer with a suit. No muscle prints on the shirtless one, and I'm fine with it.

Interesting design on the grey one. It's kinda surprising though that the legs didn't have back printing while the sides, which usually don't even from the official TLG ones, do.

Also, unfortunately, and I don't include this anymore in most reviews, the POGO baseplates that have been appearing always have scratches and sometimes even inconsistent dimensions by very small measurements.. So far though XINH and WM have been providing very good plates, in case you're in the market for these things.

AngeloMarcus Greenhills has yet to have the better Xenomorph in stock, but at least while they haven't arrived yet, these ones have! I'm still hoping to see colonial marines from the Alien Franchise though. I hope they come soon especially since POGO already has the mold for their famous pulse rifles.

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  1. Change the hood and cape of the one to green and you have the Specter.

  2. China loves their Alien franchise I guess. <-- Ha ha. They love money, like us.

    1. Hahaha but I guess their Alien stuff gets them our money hahaha


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