Sembo 11694: Block Gold Tank with Minifigs Preview

Neat tank

Still some recycled minifigs though, right?

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  1. have u seen this there not all clear shots but can make out a few

    1. Oh thanks for this man! I saw the comment late but I did find out about it elsewhere. Thanks though! :D

  2. I just received this and many other Block Gold sets. The tank in particular looks nice but the design is not really functional for playing with. It is also not designed to house any minifigs. It has a gimmick to rotate the cannon but the mechanics of it are flimsy. The minifigs are great tho but you do end up with a lot of repeats when buying sets so I mix them around to make other soldiers or use them for parts. The Block Gold helicopters are designed well and also look nice. I also have the buggy which looks great in the picture but a bit quirky in design. The minifigs don't really fit in the cab sadly, you have to fiddle with it or redesign it to do so...Overall I like the plastic quality prints and colors of the pieces.

    1. It's a bit disappointing to hear that the tank can't house a minifig especially since it's a pretty big design.. :/ And I guess it's normal for Block Gold to have mixed reviews about their sets because I also hear mixed reviews about Sembo itself..


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