HY Brand HY112: 1943 World War 2 British Soldiers Preview

It's really British right?

I think it's British because of the red berets!

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  1. I don't think red is specific to the Brits.
    For the curious, wikipedia had a very interesting, very detailed list of all the beret colors in all the different militaries of the world...


    The common thread for red seems to be paratroopers/commandos/military police

    1. Yeah I didn't really wanna assume but I thought that it would be possible since those guys look like the british forces I play as sometimes in the Day of Infamy WWII game that I used to play haha

      + I wanted a title for the post so I decided to just use the British name and I hope I didn't offend anyone in terms of history..

  2. Definitely British. The helmet and some of the weapons give it away. Wrong rifle though which is a pity because there is a mold for the correct rifle


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