POGO PG466-PG473: Gotham Minifigs and Red Lantern Supergirl Minifig Preview

Hoping the quality of these is much better though..


PG466 - Alfred (Gotham)
PG467 - Bruce Wayne (Gotham
PG468 - Fish (Gotham)
PG469 - Jerome (Gotham)
PG470 - Riddler (Gotham)
PG471 - Hugo (Gotham)
PG472 - Gordon (Gotham)
PG473 - Red Lantern Supergirl

PG466 - Alfred (Gotham)
PG467 - Bruce Wayne (Gotham)
PG468 - Fish (Gotham)
PG469 - Jerome (Gotham)
PG470 - Riddler (Gotham)
PG471 - Hugo (Gotham)
PG472 - Hugo (Gotham)
PG473 - Red Lantern Supergirl

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  1. FYI the picture in aliexpress is somehow different and the second hugo strange is replaced by gordon i think

    http://s.aliexpress.com/Irmaa6fa?fromSns=Copy to Clipboard


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