WM WM520: Red Son Batman Minifig Review

First previewed here!

A clone of UG Minifigures' Red Son Batman. So far the most noticeable difference from the original is the lack of the red/black dot on the helmet.

He comes with this unique weapon that fits nicely in the hands.

As for the overall minifig quality, it's really good. Perhaps the helmet mold could've been better, but it's a unique mold which is probably why it's not as great.

Views of the sides. See how the helmet mold isn't too defined? It's definitely not bad, but WM has also made better ones in the past. This one feels a bit more solid than past WM unique molds though!

View of the back. The legs aren't dual molded, but the paint application was really well done. I don't really mind non-dual molded pieces as long as they're painted well, and WM did a good job here.

Underneath the helmet is an eyeless Batman. Hate this trend? Well, it's at least better than having Bruce Wayne heads with misaligned eyes and eyeholes. Still, let's hope that bootleg manufacturers can perfect their printing alignment soon.

The helmet consists of two pieces actually, and while it doesn't look like it will be a secure fit, it actually is. I highly prefer this than one mold of a helmet with bad printing alignment; good choice on the separable molds, WM!

Overall a good - great Batman minifig! UG Minifigures made a great design and WM was able to replicate it properly, compared to other brands that simply copy designs and don't even do the designs justice.

A lot more reviews from my AngeloMarcus Greenhills haul coming soon! Stay tuned!

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  1. should be gray uniform, as in images of red son batman.


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