Big Elephant JX1143: Iron Man Minifigs with Hulkbuster Combiner Build Preview

Can't be too sure if there are new marks though..

Doubting that there are new marks.. I wish JX would re-release their Iron Man crossover minifigs though..

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  1. I hate these combiner ones. AliExpress never sell them individually and I usually only want one. In this case, that blue one on the middle left. I think it’s Piston with proper faceplate colours.

  2. The mech suit looks roughly like the new Hulkbuster armour. (Avengers: Infinity War)

    In rows, from left to right:

    Mk.II(2), Mk.XLIII(43), Mk.XVII(17), Mk.XL(40) with basic helmet,
    Mk.XXX(30)?, Mk.XIV(14)?, Mk.XXXIX(39), Mk.XLI(41),
    Mk.XLVII(47), Iron Patriot, Mk.XXI(21), Mk.XLV(45)

    The closest suit that I can see to the blue one is Mk.XXX(30) "Blue Steel", but the details don't match, so I can't say for sure.

    Mk.XIV(14) has a very similar, if not the same, design as Mk.VII(7) and Mk.XXI(21), but 14 is all grey, according to my references. This minifigure has a gold visor and other details. Again, the details don't quite match.

    What looks to be Mk.XLVII(47) here is just as accurate to the MCU as TLG's version, even though the printing is different. TLG's has much more red, but I actually think this one may look better. I like the red printing on silver, just wish there was some printing on the arms. Just a red band on the upper arm would do the trick.

    I've never really been a fan of the mini builds, but I feel like there's been a missed opportunity. After these brands started making their Hulkbuster armour suits, the mini builds could have been extra arms and legs to swap out the original parts, just like Mk.XLIV(44) "Veronica", the original Hulkbuster in the MCU. Then you would have something you could use instead of some little flying wing or whatever for a character that can already fly. I don't know, just an idea.

    If you find anything different, please let me know.

    -James Harman


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