XINH 1055-1057: Eddie Brock, Riot, and Female Venom Minifigs

Spoiler? Haven't watched yet..

XINH 1055 - Eddi Brock
XINH 1065 - Riot
XINH 1057 - Female Venom

XINH is also releasing Riot as a bigfig as seen here. They also have a Venom symbiote bigfig coming out, which surprisingly isn't close to the Riot bigfig or these ones in coding.

I hate that we're getting variants but I still want to see them all for comparison of quality among other reasons. Hopefully AngeloMarcus Greenhills gets these as well as the bigfigs. I know they're variants, but they still look really good!

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  1. I hope 1057 doesn't have its alternate face printed on the back of the head like all the other venom figures they've made recently... (I suspect it does)

  2. Also, I'm fairly sure the 1st one isn't Eddie Brock, but the scientist Carlton Drake (as it looks nothing like Eddie, and he has a venom sample container).

    1. Not brown enough for Carlton. Plus it says EDDIE BROCK underneath the figure

    2. They quite often get names wrong. Riz Ahmed's complexion is not much darker than Tom Hardy's, and there aren't that many flesh tones in the brick palette. The Jacket is much closer to the style of Carlton Drake later on in the movie, he has too much and too dark hair for Eddie Brock, and again, he has a symbiote container...

  3. I want that symbiote in that canister. And DTB-dog, go see that movie dude. It's dope.

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. When is it going to be released? I haven’t been able to find them


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