WM WM589: Hagrid Fig Review and Wizarding World WM Minifigs Overview

Hagrid was previewed here!

There have been many previews (and also already released) Harry Potter/Wizarding World minifigs and I would love to have reviewed them all but I'm afraid I won't have the time to do so, so I'm doing a general overview of the quality of these figs!

So, I'd like to say that these WM Wizarding World minifigs have been really great. Plastic quality is great, and print too. The accessories are always great too, and that's from parts of the minifig to others like their wands and pets. The only issue I ever had were some suitcases that wouldn't fully close, and that's not much of a big deal for me anyway. Another general issue though, and so far the only issue, is that many of their feet wouldn't fully attach to studs. Don't get me wrong, they can still attach, but hit them a bit and they might fall. That's it though, other than that, they're great.

But of course, Hagrid gets a solo review since he's sporting a new mold from WM!

Accessories first. I told you that the WM minifigs we've been getting have been great with accessories, and Hagrid's no exception. It's the first time we're seeing the lantern accessory from bootleg brands, and they're cute and great. The umbrella isn't a first time, since I think POGO made one before, but WM's umbrella is better than POGO's in terms of quality.

So how different is Hagrid from minifigs and bigfigs? Well, here are the parts that make him up. He has normal sized hands, head, arguably a hair piece too since they only fit regular heads, and short legs like what you'd find with child minifigs. The biggest differences of course are the arms and body.

Just a view of the underside. You can attach any other legs piece under Hagrid's body. Great to see TLG's system in work!

For the arms, yes they come with the same general pegs as those found in bigfigs which make the picture above possible, lol! The bigfig's arm had a hard time pushing in completely on Hagrid's body though since the hole doesn't lie on a straight surface.

Overall plastic and print quality are great here as well. The alignment of the prints are also great, which is something we shouldn't take for granted because of how the beard aligns with the face and how the print has to be in between the pocket molds.

Side view.

Back view.

I love this Hagrid mold, and I'm intersted to see how bootleggers can remake this mold into other designs just as they have with other bigfigs. Hopefully they won't be corny repeats. 

Also, so far POGO also previewed their own Hagrid, but AngeloMarcus Greenhills' Hagrid is currently the one from WM and I have no complaints. WM has been much better than POGO in terms of quality lately anyway.

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More reviews to come soon from my previous AngeloMarcus Greenhills hauls! Stay tuned!
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  1. Now we need a bigfig Deadpool so we can replace an arm with Hagrids


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