POGO PG8222: Lotso, Rex, Bullseye, and More Toy Story Minifigs Preview

PG1942 - Buzz Lightyear
PG1943 - Woody
PG1944 - Jessie
PG1945 - L.G.M.
PG1946 - Bullseye
PG1947 - Lots-o'-Huggin' Bear
PG1948 - Rex
PG1949 - Hamm

POGO is willing to do unique molds like this but can't be bothered to improve print quality?
Don't get me wrong though, these are pretty good!

Nonetheless, I'll try to review these when I get my hands on them. I'm curious to see how POGO can handle unique molds nowadays, especially that bottom half of the preview.

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  1. The top four were around 3-5 years ago. They were ok. I got them for my daughter. I wonder if they are better.
    You are right about pogo. I think we are all fed up. So many times we see the computer mock up and get excited (warcraft ones the most recent) but when we finally see the real thing it's ok or more likely terrible. I'm glad there are a few new companies doing better quality.

    1. Their printing for their superheroes line got even worse w/c is a shame because that is the main line I collect.

    2. it is a real shame! I think nowadays there are more and more new buyers of bootleg minifigs since lego fails to deliver. And pogo keeps selling more and more figs to those buyers so they don't need to change their tactics. The eagerness of some of the minifigfans keeps them in business.
      Old bootleg buyers expect a certain quality, even if those figs are so cheap. Right now Pogo is just wasting plastic and weird ugly ink.
      Maybe we should hashtag every pogo picture on IG with #Pogogetyourprintingright

    3. I'll keep trying to criticize them, but I doubt they even read my reviews lol

  2. They can still suck it. Suck it pogo.

  3. POGO últimamente no han tenido modelos de muy buena calidad ,esperemos q estos de Toy story cumplan ,hace tiempo que deje de comprar porque me decepcionaron

  4. The mould is not unique as they look like the Lego version. Regards.


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