WM WM6051: Powerpuff Girls Minifigs Review

First previewed here!

WM623 - Buttercup
WM624 - Bubbles
WM625 - Blossom

Some excess molding on Blossom's head.

There's that weird spot of excess mold.

The heads are heads and not helmets.

They're pretty simple, right? Still though, we gotta commend WM because I heard that it is expensive to have new molds made but WM still delivered. Of course, if you want the best quality, just get the official TLG Dimenions ones.

I apologize, these guys came with accessories but I forgot to include them in the pictures!

WM6051 Grading

Plastic Quality: 4/5
The base fig is great and has no issues. The problem would be with the heads, but maybe it's just a quality control issue. Do note though that the heads aren't made of plastic.

Print Quality: 4.5/5
Base fig's printings have no problems too since they're so simple. The rubber-ish heads also have really good prints minus some overlaps, etc. Usually these rubber-ish heads have bad prints but these ones are really good!

Build Quality: 5/5
Accessories are always welcome! The articulation was also really good. No real issues here.

Design Choice: 4/5
It would've been a 5 if TLG didn't have the original ones but it's also above average because no other brand has made the Powerpuff Girls yet.

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More reviews from my recent AngeloMarcus Greenhills haul coming soon so stay tuned! I'm also looking into relocating my MOCs from FlickR to wherever (maybe Instagram?) because of FlickR's recent changes so stay tuned for those!

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