WM WM6055: Captain Marvel with Goose, Outrider, and Various Hall of Armor Iron Man Variants Minifigs Preview

WM649 - Iron Man MK 50
WM650 - Captain Marvel (with Goose)
WM651 - Outrider
WM652 - Iron Man MK 1
WM653 - Iron Man MK 5
WM654 - Iron Man MK 85
WM655 - Iron Man MK 41
WM656 - Iron Man MK 50

I wish they didn't include WM649 anymore.. We already have too many MK 50s.. I'm excited for the other figs though, especially Goose! 

Some of these are also from the upcoming Hall of Armor Endgame set and I hope AngeloMarcus Greenhills gets these soon so that people don't need to buy the big sets just to get them, but if you are interested in some cheap options: Lepin and Sheng Yuan have previewed their own Endgame clones respectively.

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