XINH X0266: Spider-Man Far From Home Minifigs Including Ned, Mysterio, Maria Hill, Hydro-Man, and More Preview

XINH 1328 - Mysterio
XINH 1329 - Iron Spider
XINH 1330 - Maria Hill
XINH 1331 - Hydro-Man
XINH 1332 - Spider-Man (Far from Home)
XINH 1333 - Ned
XINH 1334 - Spider-Man (Stealth Suit)
XINH 1335 - Spider-Man (Instant Kill Mode)

I'm so glad XINH altered Maria Hill's design since Lego's Maria Hill minifig is basically the same except she's without the SHIELD logo which means that her torso is the same as Bruce Banner's (in Infinity War) torso. Ned's torso is also a reuse of Harry Potter's torso, but that accessory he comes with looks like.. the Death Star? (I could be wrong.)

Mysterio is also not accurate to Lego's design; first through the bigger dome helmet instead of the new fishbowl mold that Lego made and second through the cape which I think looks better than a plain purple cape.

As expected, XINH's love for the MCU can be seen through their numerous MCU minifigs. I foresee probably 1-3 more Spider-Man Far From Home minifig sets from them in the next few weeks/months. Plus, I bet other brands will try and do the same. Bad news for collectors, I guess, since lots of us would prefer some new characters too.

I suspect AngeloMarcus Greenhills will try to get most, if not all, of these since Spider-Man is still a big thing even here in the Philippines. Plus, there really is demand for variants which is why brands keep doing them; lots might disagree and even I don't like that but brands keep doing variants because it's what gets them revenue.

Also, thanks to Qi Fue for the heads up!

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  1. I think that's the best looking hydroman yet.

  2. Yes, Ned is holding the Death Star. That's the one he dropped in Spider-Man Homecoming in a scene with Peter

  3. That Iron Spider is specifically the Sentinel Re:Edit.


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