WM Brand WM308: Black and Purple Suit Joker Minifig Review

First previewed here.

Which Joker is this?
But anyway, quality is alright. His face doesn't look like it was minifig-ied, as in he doesn't look like he's a minifig. Other than that, he's fine.

Nothing on the sides.

Nothing on the back.

Just a quick review. If you're a Joker fan, then he's a must have. But if you're a part-casual minifig or even DC collector, I think this one is worth the skip.

Despite being not so interesting, at least compared to other recent designs, I'm glad AngeloMarcus Greenhills still has him. He could be useful for MOCs for me soon! :D

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  1. Arkham city joker? Judging by the face it's showsa few signs of the virus.

    1. Alright thanks! :D I barely played the games so I didn't recognize this one hahaha


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