DTB: Haul from AngeloMarcus Greenhills (November 4, 2017)

Other than the hassle traffic and other minor things, today's haul was great!

First thing's first, AngeloMarcus Greenhills did some reorganizing in the store and added these two posters! Posters similar to the POGO preview I posted some months back! 

They're old releases though, but what's interesting for me is seeing both of WM's Iron Fist figs in there. Really seems like many of WM figs are made by POGO people or is in a similar situation.

That Shenron on AngeloMarcus Greenhills looks great for displaying the Dragon Balls that came with the Dragon Ball Kopf set

My haul. A couple of Nova figs too for some Nova Corps MOC, maybe.

2 of the most anticipated previews: POGO Xenomorph and Decool Bane. Review will be up within today or tomorrow!

My POGO Captain Marvel was also missing an arm which is a weird. I previously mentioned that POGO releasing their minifigs already built was good because we wouldn't be missing parts anymore [but we also won't be getting extra parts anymore]; I guess I was wrong.. LOL

Also, forgive the image quality for the post and the upcoming previews because I still couldn't find a phone store that sells the Xiaomi Mi 6 for cheap[er].. Yes, that's my choice of phone for now unless the upcoming OnePlus 5T will be cheap [but I doubt it]. I'm still being financially cautious though, thankfully there are no big sets incoming haha

Share your thoughts below or through Facebook and please like the page for more previews, reviews, MOCs, and more! 


  1. is it Nova, available on angelmarcus?

    1. Yup! Nova is available in AngeloMarcus! KF266! Very good quality!

  2. On that top picture, what is the number of that Crusades knight in the middle?

    1. Do you mean Azrael? :D He's a DC character http://downtheblocks.blogspot.com/2017/06/pogo-pg194-pg196-pg187-deadpool-cyclops.html PG187

    2. XINH released a "real" crusader fig though! http://downtheblocks.blogspot.com/2017/05/xinh-x0164-romans-crusaders-spartans.html


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