POGO PG1214: Alien Xenomorph Minifig (With Skeleton Body) Review

First previewed here with a couple of Godzilla figs.
NOTE: This might not be PG1164 since the head is the old mold (new mold should have painted silver teeth and movable jaw) and the legs should be like Maul's. Hoping to get more info about this.

UPDATE: This is PG12141

If you're more interested in the usual minifig body, check here for a review. (Of version 1 because there's apparently a version 2 with painted [white] teeth and movable jaws.]

About this one though, well there's not much to say really. It's really just PG1050 with a skeleton body. The mold quality is the same which some might be happy with while some might be left wanting more. I'm left wanting more.

If your skeleton Xenomorph came with the new head molds, I'd love to know! I'm not exactly sure which ones are which especially since PG1050 had two versions despite having only one code number..

No painted teeth :'( 

Same again, except on a skeleton body..

Same view of the back, except on a skeleton body..

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  1. That sucks. I was under the impression the skeleton had Darth Maul legs...

    1. yeah taught the same gon to try get my money back if there the legs coz thats not what was advertised

  2. New head is shiny. Teeth on Jaw seems silver.

  3. I got my copy of this fig in the mail today, and it has the new jaw, and the correct legs. Maybe they have two versions of this one too?


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