POGO PG1215, PG1216: Coco's Miguel and Hector Minifig Review

Only two of them so far.

Check here for a complete list of POGO figs, Coco and non-Coco.

Two okay figs generally.

Hector does come with a guitar, but an electric type and not the iconic acoustic one.. Really weird choice, I bet it's because POGO's never done the acoustic guitar mold yet.

They both have head accessories that are okay in quality.

That's how they look underneath. The print quality could be better, especially with Miguel since the red on his torso and the red on his pants aren't consistent.. I guess Hector's is much better. Plastic quality also isn't great, but it's not too bad too. 

It's also worth noting that these two designs were probably based on a specific scene since they have the petals on the leg pieces. As far as I know, those things didn't stick to their clothes permanently.

Glad to have side printing for both of them. Wow! Even the torso has side printing, at least for Hector.

Again, they have petals for some reason. I also think that Coco logo on the back of Miguel's torso is just added by the designer to further remind us that these guys are from Coco.. I don't think he had that in the movie.. Haha

I appreciate POGO's efforts here, but I hope they could've done better. KORUIT seems to be releasing a much better Miguel fig soon, and if they remain the same as their GoT Kingsguard, then that one will be great too. Stay tuned for a review as soon as AngeloMarcus Greenhills gets them. I also hope that this new competitor pushes POGO to improve!

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  1. Yap. That's the wrong guitar..I like Koruit's design better, especially Miguel's hood. It's a new mold based on Ninjago movie minifigure :D


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