WM WM330, WM370, WM393: Red Lantern Supergirl, Ninja Spider-Man, and Nurse Joker Minifigs Review

Three more from WM! Good minifigs overall.

WM330 - Red Lantern Supergirl
WM370 - Ninja Spider-Man
WM393 - Nurse Joker

WM330 - Red Lantern Supergirl
Should be a quick review because all of them are pretty good in terms of quality. Print and plastic are great except for one thing for this Supergirl fig. The legs aren't consistently colored with the skin. Bootleggers have been having this problem for a while now. Not just for skin but for other colors too. I just wish they learned to fix this (and I know they can since some of their figs don't have this problem..)

She comes with the ring, but just a flat stud and no holder or anything like that.

Back print is good, except for the skin again.

I find it odd that they didn't include side prints considering how some WM figs have great side printing!

WM393 - Nurse Joker
Another good fig. I think this would be useful in some pictorials or scenarios with Dent in the hospital. Print and plastic are good, no worries here.

The green hair might be a better choice for my old Doc Samson minifig MOC.

Joker comes with these two accessories which are accurate to the movie.

See, side leg prints.

No alternate face, simple back printing, no problem.

WM370 - Ninja Spider-Man
I don't think this is a "canon" character, but I still find it interesting, especially since I love collecting Spider-Man. The quality is great again, plastic is better than POGO and print is as good as XINH.

Side view.

Sword backpack comes with two swords of course.

The back design. No leg prints though, but I'm okay with that. I don't think it's "required" unlike other fig designs.

These three are good. Supergirl is a bit disappointing because of the leg issues: 1) bad coloring and 2) no side prints. Other than that, good job, WM.

Sorry for the late review on these by the way, I got these from AngeloMarcus Greenhills for a while now but never got around to reviewing them..

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  1. I picked up that Spider-Man for the same reason as you: I like collecting Spider-Man bootleg figs. But I am completely at a loss as to where it came from. I can find nothing at all. Not even fan designs. At least the Spider-Man Captain America, Deadpool Captain America, and Batman Punisher figs all had a fan design I could find. There’s nothing on this one. It’s like the Spider Biker all over again.

    It’s great if bootleggers are coming up with original content, but I’m still waiting on a couple of actual canon Marvel figs that I’d prefer.

    1. Yeah, I was actually thinking if the torso was just a generic or already used design that they just reused for this Spider-Man, but then there's a spider logo.. Maybe it really is just like that Spider-Biker guy.. Haha

      And yeah, as much as these "original, unique" designs are interesting, I'd also prefer some canon figs, Spider-Man or not. :D


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