WM WM388: Hellsuit Batman Minifig Review

We first saw it here along with a couple other WM figs.

There's not much to say except this is a good fig. Plastic and print are of great quality and it's really just a matter of preference.

Batman comes with a batarang. Gosh I bet we have lots of these already! Haha!

There's minimal side print but I welcome it. Having plain black arms might have made the minifig look a bit dull so it's great that WM had these.

This is the first time I'm seeing this cape. I'm not sure if there have been previous releases with this type of cape. I like it. The quality is the usual cape, not the soft type but definitely doesn't feel too cheap.

The back print is a bit dull because of the lack of reds, but at least there's a belt there.. And well, it's supposed to be covered by the cape anyway!

No face is the only "problem" but it might not even be since the nature of the minifig doesn't require it a regular human face. At least the red bar fits the eyes perfectly!

Good job from WM. I hope they keep it up! I have a couple other WM figs from AngeloMarcus Greenhilsl that I've yet to review but they're generally okay - good figs! Stay tuned!

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