WM WM433: Tigra Minifig Review

Previewed here with a couple other WM figs,

First concern: the hair could've been a bit more reddish. Not a big deal for me though, and at least we can change it if we desire! 

Moving on to the fig. It's a good fig in terms of quality, both print and plastic. In terms of design, well it's relative. You might like it while others might not. Personally, I'm not a fan of the face. It seems off.. I feel like making her main color orange could've fixed this issue because the yellow color just makes her look like the usual classic, yellow minifig.. 

My second dislike is the tail gap. I love the tail, don't get me wrong, but when it's applied, there's a black yellow gap in between her legs and torso.. See? I think it kinda makes her look bad.. You can choose to remove it anyway though.

We get side prints! Legs and arms, even the tail has side prints!

The back torso also has a good amount of detail. 
The tail could also be placed towards the floor or towards the ceiling, it's alright either way because of the lack of the printing in front.

With tail or without tail?

As a Marvel fan, I appreciate a Tigra fig, but I think she could've been better. More orange, better face, better tail (in terms of the gap) and she could've been a great addition since the quality is good. Oh well. I just hope eto see more next time!

I still have a few other WM figs up for review that I got from AngeloMarcus Greenhills around last week. Stay tuned!

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