POGO PG1804, PG1806: Clayface and The Lizard Bigfigs Review

6 more bigfigs were previewed here!

One of the most highly anticipated figs from POGO. Do they deliver? Let's see.
PG1804 - Clayface
PG1806 - The Lizard

The first thing to note is how POGO's bigfigs standards aren't the same as other brands. Look, the connectors for the heads and arms are different from other brands. The hands for the most part are still the same at least.

Here is a comparison of Clayface's parts with a DLP Hulk. Unfortunately, while normal fists have the same connectors as usual bigfigs, Clayface's clay hammer simply has a plain cylinder as a connector. Clayface's head is also comprised of two parts which you connect. I don't see the point in doing this since it's just one color and hence does not need a different mold, maybe it's a manufcaturing thing.

Now let's look at these two bigfigs.
Clayface looks okay, but he doesn't really remind me of Clayface. Maybe I'm being unfair since I'm only really aware of the Clayface from the cartoon series before. I think that POGO did a good enough job at painting his eyes and teeth though. For Lizard, on the other hand, I think the colors are off. The white isn't white (I would prefer same white as let's say the Kingpin bigfig). The green seems a bit too shiny and less lizard-y. I also wonder why his fingers and toes are suddenly the same color as his coat.. Are they supposed to be claws? We can't tell because the white paint they used is horrible.

Plastic also doesn't feel too good, but I think the weight and texture isn't so bad at all too.

Side view.

Back view. I really think POGO missed an opportunity with Lizard because of the white paint..

Another look at their components. Both Clayface and Lizard's heads were comprised of two parts, and I tried removing them again for the review but they were difficult which I guess is good!

Oh, another thing to mention is that Lizard's tale is removable and was kinda difficult to attach because I think the pink paint in his butthole (sorry) made it somewhat tighter.. Uhhh.

This is how they looked like in their packages.. I still see no point in them as I discussed in my haul post and would love to know more about it because I'm interested in their operations and marketing decisions.. Maybe even financial in terms of costs in the making of these packages..

More shots of the packaging.
(All of the packages say NO. 1001)

Juggernaut, Rhino, and Anti-Venom also arrived in AngeloMarcus Greenhills during my last haul so expect reviews soon too! (Spoiler, quality is somewhat similar)

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  1. That Clayface is not from Batman TAS (wich was released by kopf or WM, dont remember).

    Maybe you dont know because its Clayface from the Batman Arkham videogames


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