DTB DTB086: Sheriff Deadpool Minifig MOC

Had to make one.

Parts used: 
Torso, Legs - Rick Grimes
Hat - Generic
Others - Deadpool
(Arms are colored black to create black sleeves)

The number of weird Deadpool in my collection has been increasing.. Complaints? Nah.

So yeah he's somewhat real.. The torso I used doesn't have the neck tie, but it was close enough. I also should've used a black hat, but that's all I had for now.

If you guys are updated though, you probably would've heard about this upcoming SDCC Sheriff Deadpool. It's not the same as the one I made, and it's not the same as that Woody Deadpool from the DP2 trailer..

Personal opinion? Well I'm underwhelmed considering it's just Deadpool in a costume, especially since last year's SDCC Marvel minifig was Duckpool which was pretty unique!

Still, I look forward to seeing that one in person.

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