Kopf KF467: Cable Minifig Review Comparison with WM523

First previewed here.

On the left is Kopf's, right beside the Kopf baseplate.

Quality wise, both are pretty good in terms of print and plastic. The design choices might not be ideal though.. Right now, you see that Kopf's Cable's arms are white instead of grey/silver which is very disappointing.. Though the extra details on it certainly look good.

Good arm details.

Kopf Cable doesn't come with an alternate face, which is a shame.. but to be fair, WM's Cable's alternate face isn't too good too. Both failed to continue the back leg prints though which is really disappointing..

Personally, I prefer Kopf's head but WM's arm.. then not too sure on the other parts.. But that's just me and I know it's gonna be different for you. I just hope that I was able to help you decide!

Hoping that AngeloMarcus Greenhills also releases already released Kopf's Domino, as well as but not yet Kopf's Hulkpool.. and I'm hoping that Kopf/WM/any other brands will release the X-Force as minifigs!

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