POGO PG605, PG606, PG608, PG612-PG614: Missing(?) Star Wars Troopers Minifigs [in POGO Minifig Database]

Noticed them because of the hype around the return of Clone Wars!

PG605 - Shock Trooper
PG606 - Special Forces Clone Trooper
PG608 - Mandalorian Super Commando
PG612 - Jek-14
PG613 - Special Forces Commander
PG614 - Stormtrooper (Transparent)

I would've said they're new, but I've already seen some of these in person. I think I've seen the Mandalorian and the clear Stormtrooper from an AngeloMarcus Greenhills sale lots of months ago. 

I have a theory that they were made pre-PG### format and so POGO only got back to renaming them to their new codes (these ones) recently.

Also, this post basically serves as a reminder that you guys can help fill in some of the outlier empty spots in our POGO Minifig Set List!

Share your thoughts below or through Facebook and please like the page for more previews, reviews, MOCs, and more! 


  1. Great stuff! Who makes the best quality knockoffs from what you have seen?

    1. Right now my personal preference is XINH when it comes to minifigs. KORUIT is also really good, but they only have a few figs. Kopf and WM are sometimes great, sometimes bad. POGO has been horrible though..

  2. These are definitely old, I think they were produced in collaboration with another company. MG brand comes to mind, but I might be wrong. Some of them such as the mandalorian had good prints, whilst the red clone looks a mess in person.

    1. Ohh interesting. It's so difficult to keep track of them when other companies collaborate and all that.. I just wanna complete the POGO set list haha

  3. Pretty old indeed, the very beginning of Pogo with numbers <50 before their regular numbering, somewhere in 2015, the last four were labelled MG8001 (also cloned/referenced as LETO) and the blue special forces was in PG004 minifigures set.

    1. Yeah it's soooo confusing! I really hope they release updated lists.. Thanks for the info about MG though, I'll look into it more!

  4. I purchased the blue special forces troops from AliExpress about a year ago. 2 sets of 4 troops, each set from different sellers. The troops were numbered PG-19 from both sellers as well as others.
    Both sets had different cloth material for the shoulder pauldrons. Both sets also had different pegs where the hips connect to the torso. One set came with standard rifle. The other set came with SMG. Would anyone know why the figs differed between the sellers?


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