POGO PG8147: Bat-Mite, Weapon X, Venom Spider-Gwen, and More Superhero Minifigs Preview

Hopefully quality will be good..

PG1589 - Weapon X (Wolverine)
PG1590 - Spider-Gwen x Anti-Venom
PG1591 - Flash
PG1592 - Ninja Strike Wolverine
PG1593 - Bat-Mite
PG1594 - Wolverine (Play Arts Kai)
PG1595 - Deadpool x Batman
PG1596 - Bat-Mite

Weapon X might be a clone of Onlinesailin's Weapon X, but I'm not too sure.
PG1592 is from Leyilebrick.
The design for Bat-Mite is technically from TLG['s games], but Buygofigure also made their own, and I'm betting POGO copied this one from them.
Batpool is from Shamrock minifigures, just like WM's version.

Spider-Gwen is apparently an Anti-Venom variant. The design comes from Dragon Brick!
Also, PG1594 is based on the Play Arts Kai Wolverine!
Thanks to Lud for the info on these two!

If you've got more info, I'd love to hear!

Anyway, I'm hoping POGO has improved.. No blurry prints, please!

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  1. 1592 is Ninja Strike Wolverine. It was an action figure, never any official media.

  2. I think the yellow and blue wolverine is the Upcoming Manga Realization Wolverine by Tamashii Nations

  3. This Spider-gwen version is a design from Dragon Brick and this is a mashup of Spider-gwen and Anti-venom...


  4. The pg1594 is based on the Play Arts Kay Variant Wolverine Action Figure.

    1. Interesting! Thanks for the info on Wolverine and Spider-Gwen! :D

    2. You're welcome! Thank you for your attention on updating the post with this info! I feel happy for helping!

    3. Gah, thank you. I knew I’d seen it before.

  5. im sticking a batman cape on that wolverine and making darkclaw


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