DTB DTB090: Dust (X-Men) Minifig MOC

A pretty simple MOC!

I've seen lots of other people make a Dust MOC and I had lots of these helmet type pieces lying around so I decided to make one too!

Parts used: 
Helmet/Hood - Shadow Guard (Star Wars)
Torso, Legs - Magpie (TLBM)
Head - Batgirl (or generic)
Others - Generic

So I decided to use a Batgirl head because the purple thing won't be seen anyway and the skin tone seems good!

Inspiration pics:

Too bad I couldn't find a torso/waist with the X logo! Though some designs of Dust don't have that X design or basically any design/belt on her waist at all.

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Sources of images:


  1. wow.. i was going to use the same hood for a bedouin moc i want todo but i was not so sure if that is a good idea. but now, i am really convinced. Thanx Bro!


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