KORUIT XP021-XP026: Dragon Ball Super Saiyan Minifigs Review

First previewed here!

KORUIT did great again! I think there are some issues, but generally very very good. More below!

They all came with their own Dragon Ball accessories and unlike Kopf's balls, the prints here are on top as opposed to being on the sides. Issue? Not really, KORUIT's might be even better for taking pictures from the top since side prints won't be seen from the top of course. Sadly, since there are only 6 figs in the set, we're missing one Dragon Ball (the 7 star ball).

More accessories. The three on the left came with their respective staffs (all different in small ways) and the three on the right came with energy balls that I'm sure can be useful to MOCers.

XP021 - Gogeta
XP022 - Vegeta
XP023 - Xeno Goku

Moving on. The plastic used on these figs were absolutely good. I got no issues with the gloss or the articulation. The prints are also good, but flesh prints on dark torsos like Vegeta's for example weren't the same as the flesh plastic.. Another issue personally are the slapped on sleeves.. I loved KORUIT's dual molded [and separable] arms on their Kingsguard figs and I wish they at least had better arm printing (all around) on the ones that needed it.

Kopf also recently copied KORUIT's Xeno Goku..

Great job on the muscle prints though! Oh, another possible issue is Gogeta's torso being all flesh, meaning that without side prints, he looks naked! Would it have been better to use a dark plastic for the torso and have the flesh printed instead?

Same comments about the back.

XP024 - Goku
XP025 - Vegeto
XP026 - Vegeto (Battle-Scarred)

I've also got the same comments on these three as the first three.

Slapped on prints.. :( Though the muscles look good and I even love how Vegeto's other arm has blood! Would be great for MOCs!

Same deal as the back.

These 6 figs are great and I think Dragon Ball fans will be happy with them. Kopf and KORUIT seem to be the ones who love to do Dragon Ball figs (WM too, but Kopf has much more DB figs), but while Kopf has a lot, many of their Dragon Ball figs had bad quality. At least with KORUIT, 100% of the Dragon Ball figs are pretty good!

There's also a previewed Android 17 coming from KORUIT soon that I hope to review when it comes out! Additionally, if you're not into Dragon Ball but are interested in KORUIT's offerings, they also previewed their new line of Game of Thrones figs!

Side note, came from AngeloMarcus Greenhills a while ago and will be reviewing more stuff throughout the week! Most notably: the POGO Zaku figs, Ares [from Wonder Woman], and Steppenwolf, among others!

Share your thoughts below or through Facebook and please like the page for more previews, reviews, MOCs, and more! 


  1. Great i never saw "Dragenball Lego" to buy. Its not possible to buy in Germany. I hope you have a lot fun with it.


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