POGO PG8166: Gotenks, Goku, Trunks, and More Dragon Ball Minifigs Preview

Some of these designs came from KORUIT though.

PG1367 - Goku
PG1368 - Goku
PG1369 - Goten
PG1370 - Gotenks
PG1371 - Trunks
PG1372 - Goku
PG1373 - Tien Shinhan
PG1374 - Android 18

Again, some of these designs came from KORUIT. I personally prefer KORUIT and I'd say they're the best brand right now because they have great quality as seen in my previous reviews and so far, their designs seem to be original. (Original as in, unlike POGO and other brands, KORUIT doesn't copy the designs from other designers/TLG.) 
Perhaps what's keeping me from really calling them the best is that they don't have a lot of minifigs yet (mainly because they're new in the game), but they have been more active with releases recently. Additionally, I think many of us can agree that it's alright not to have a lot of designs if it means good quality. *ehem* POGO *ehem* 
(Check out our KORUIT set list here to see their small but growing list of minifigs.)

Still, even though we know that KORUIT's a really good brand, I'm still hoping that POGO can improve too. I do hope they improve quality and in the future, at least, that they use their funds to actually hire designers to make their own designs as opposed to copying from KORUIT, third party designers, TLG, etc. 

Expect reviews from both brands if AngeloMarcus Greenhills gets them in stock! Not a lot of new arrivals recently and I'm not sure if it's just a Philippines issue or an issue with Chinese couriers. All we can do is wait for now..

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