XINH 909-916: Electro Suit Batman, Wonder Dog, Jor-El, and More DC Minifigs Preview

DC's turn to get lots of figs from XINH!

XINH 909 - Batman (Electro Suit)
XINH 910 - Robin
XINH 911 - Nightwing
XINH 912 - Condiment King
XINH 913 - Harleen Quinzel (Harley Quinn)
XINH 914 - Black Vulcan
XINH 915 - Wonder Dog
XINH 916 - Jor-El

Seems like all the designs came from TLG!
Also really really glad we're getting Wonder Dog!! This means that XINH now has the dog mold and I wonder what else they can do with it! 

Expect reviews if AngeloMarcus Greenhills gets them in stock! I've been itching for a new haul!

Share your thoughts below or through Facebook and please like the page for more previews, reviews, MOCs, and more! 
