QIAOLETONG TS12105-TS12106: Gundam Inspired Mirage Armor Mech Builds Preview

Clearly inspired by Mobile Suits..

The first question is whether these mechs are of the same brick size as the usual bricks. (Cause LoZ for example has brick toys that are smaller than the usual bricks.)

TS12105 Mirage Armor 1

TS12105 Mirage Armor 2

TS12106 Mirage Armor 1

TS12106 Mirage Armor 2

Never seen this brand before, so if you've got info, I'd love to hear them!

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  1. I would love have this transparent column piece that is used as support for these mechs!

  2. Not cheap : https://fr.aliexpress.com/item/Hot-mirage-armor-super-robot-building-block-FYR-11-GUNDAM-versus-FYR-07-AKO-assemable-model/32905231121.html?spm=a2g0w.search0104.3.8.55a44360e5LXjV&ws_ab_test=searchweb0_0,searchweb201602_3_10065_10068_10843_10546_10059_10548_10696_100031_10084_10083_5015611_10103_451_10618_452_10304_10307_10820_5016311,searchweb201603_16,ppcSwitch_5&algo_expid=fda695a1-869f-42ac-8cd4-d321d80ea9e4-1&algo_pvid=fda695a1-869f-42ac-8cd4-d321d80ea9e4&transAbTest=ae803_2&priceBeautifyAB=0

  3. I bought a larger version of Mirage Armor from a supermarket in China that I can't find anywhere online. I'd say it was about twice the size. Bricks are the same size as normal lego. Try to find the larger sets if you can, mine looks a lot better than this one or the other sets of similar size.


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