Eagle Brand 110: Iron Spider from Infinity War with Long Spider Legs Minifig Review

First previewed here!

Eagle's still a somewhat mysterious brand that I'm looking forward to seeing more from. It seems they know what people might be interested in while still playing safe. What I mean is that usually, new and cheap brands just clone the other Chinese brands, but Eagle decided to modify a usual-minifig into something that might just be worth getting.

Though of course, there's still an issue of quality and while many brands are better than Eagle, Eagle still shows itself as a reasonably worthy find, especially if the fig is unique.

The first bad sign I got with the fig is that the web accessory is actually made of purely plastic as opposed to the usual string + plastic build. I'd honestly throw this straight in the trash, but maybe it'll be useful in some build or something.

For the fig itself, if you haven't noticed, he comes with a regular human face and hair in addition to the Spider-Man mask. This is great since no other brand has done this for the regular Iron Spider yet. The hair's shape does look a bit off though. For the overall quality, the plastic felt cheaper than usual minifigs; I'd say that the plastic is similar to some POGO minifigs, but definitely better than some other POGO figs too. The print is less vibrant than I'd prefer but still clear enough compared to other brands.

A view of the side. Those longer Spider arms look great.

A view of the back. It uses the usual Iron Man (MCU) Spider backpack.

These legs are just easy additions and you can honestly do this to your preferred Spider-Man, but it's great to see that a new brand had the initiative to do so. The overall quality of the spider legs were decent enough but sometimes off in terms of color; still not bad though.

Of course, given the cheap prices of alternate brands, you can always just buy the fig for the arms then transfer them to any Spider-Man fig you might want. Thankfully AngeloMarcus Greenhills got these in stock because a lot of people have been wanting these parts before, but getting big sets just for those spider leg parts just aren't that worth it..

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  1. I os great!!! Did you made it more dynamic than I wondered It could bem cause this neck piece! Before TLG did created this neck parte, I have thought in a MOC similar to this but using more parts.


    I will try to use this new neck piece and see how It will looks like. Thank you!


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