KAZI KY98112-KY98114: Various Zoids-like Mech Builds Preview

Looking great!

KY98112-1 : White Geno Saurer (?)

KY98112-2 : Liger Zero Jager

KY98113-1 : Liger Zero Schneider

KY98113-2 : Zaber Fang

KY98114-1 : Lightning Saix

KY98114-2 : Red Shadow Fox

The brand logo says GBL but the KY code is actually used by KAZI which leads me to conclude that these are from KAZI. Of course, I'm welcome to being corrected.

On a more personal side note, I loved Zoids then! I actually have a Lightning Saix and a [black] Shadow Fox at home, among others. This sets makes me wanna rewatch the series!

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  1. GBL / Gao Bo Le is a brand of the manufacturer Kai Yu Industrial who also produces Kazi and Bozhi. The GBL brand is probably best known for their trains.

    Best, Oederland

  2. Makes me want to watch the srries again too


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