POGO PG8158: Yellow Lantern Superman, Deathstroke, and More Superhero Variants Minifigs Preview

Just mostly variants again.

PG1409 - Sheriff Deadpool (SDCC)
PG1410 - Deathstroke (Injustice)
PG1411 - Batgirl (Arkham Games)
PG1412 - Wonderwoman (Injustice)
PG1413 - Red Hood (Arkham Games)
PG1414 - Yellow Lantern Superman
PG1415 - Catwoman (Injustice)
PG1416 - Joker (Nurse Nolan Triloy)

While they're just variants, they do look good. Quality might be a different story though.. Hopefully it'll be good. AngeloMarcus Greenhills still has a couple of figs in their backlog from POGO and that's mainly because quality hasn't been so great. Hopefully POGO improves.

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  1. Catwoman,Deathstroke and Wondie - Injustcie. Batgirl is from Arkhamverse.


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