Sheng Yuan 1119: Universe Giant Ultra Man Minifig and Combiner Mech Preview

Not a fan of these types of products..

SY 1119-1
SY 1119-5
SY 1119-9
SY 1119-2

SY 1119-3
SY 1119-4

SY 1119-6
SY 1119-7

SY 1119-8
SY 1119-10

Why am I not a fan? Well why not just release it as a big set? The mini builds don't make sense for the most part. The only advantage to this kind of set up is that people can buy one unit for a specific part for MOCing as opposed to getting the whole set, though that also means that that's one less complete set in the world in case others actually want to complete the set.

As a somewhat unrelated note, here in the Philippines there's such a thing called tingi culture which means that there's an abundance in sachet types of products, aka people prefer buying in small amounts more regularly than stocking up on big products less regularly. (Mainly because of lower income in majority of the country.) Maybe it's the same in China or wherever SY has the most target consumers..?

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