Decool 0312: Captain Marvel (MCU) Minifig Review

First previewed here, with this Decool set full of remakes.

Can't wait to see your solo movie and Avengers 4!

(Thanos in picture comes from Sheng Yuan.)

Decool quality has improved! Decool has always been praised by many others, but I personally didn't like them. For me, there were a lot of bad prints and cheap-feeling plastic, but this set changes my opinion on them. The prints here are great and so is the plastic!

Sides have great detail, detail that I doubt even the TLG version will get.

She also comes with an alternate face. Still not smiling? Hahaha! Great to have an alternate face. More importantly, dual molded legs! Yes, they are dual molded; I looked closely and found no signs of red or blue paint and it had the same characteristics as other dual molded legs. Great job, Decool!

She comes with these two blast pieces which is a great addition. I personally would've preferred the new blast pieces in yellow, but maybe Decool hasn't made those yet. Also, her hands seemed a bit tighter, or welll the hands['s fingers] seemed thicker and closer to one another. I think this is great since many minifigs, after holding something for a long time [while being displayed] ends up getting loose hands; maybe this is Decool's solution to that.

Here's Captain Marvel compared to my favorite Decool fig: Gwenpool. Two main differences: Captain Marvel doesn't have the curves on her torso! Some of Decool's figs have curves on the female torsos like Gwenpool above. Some people hate it, some people love it; for Captain Marvel, there's nothing like that. Second difference is that Captain Marvel's whole body or plastic looks and feels glossier which makes her look more high quality.

A great minifig from Decool. I wish the entire set was filled with more interesting characters.. I hope they get back to making some unique characters, I say this not just for Decool but for all the companies. I'm alright with variants as long as they're interesting variants, and this Captain Marvel will for sure be one of the top Captain Marvel variants we'll see. Hopefully you gets can get a hold of her, AngeloMarcus Greenhills has her on single sale and I hope it's the same for online stores.

I think that an MG brand preview of this minifig is coming out, but the pictures I saw were too blurry and I don't fully trust them. We've had issues with fake previews before, so I'll wait for real stores to have them previewed until I share them on the blog.

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  1. The MG and Kopf variants are the same minifigure (complete with the same leg to torso attachment mechanism. Nice figure, but I wish I knew why they chose this method.


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