KORUIT KT1020: Various Trunks Minifigs From Dragon Ball Preview

Wow, more unique molds!

I'm not exactly sure about the variants though, but I'd love those swords and swordpacks!

Some people have noticed that Koruit quality isn't as good as it first was, but I think it's still good. Definitely still one of the top brands, especially since they're making more unique stuff like these 4 and even the most recent Gondor Fountain Guard.

I think AngeloMarcus Greenhills already has the Gondor Fountain Guard and I hope to pick up my own soon, hopefully that means that this is also coming soon since the Fountain Guard was previewed only a few days ago.

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  1. Koruit is the best! I love the sheath.

  2. Love the new moulds

    Koruit doing a Zelda line with custom moulds would be a dream come true!


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