Lele D130-D137: Various Batman Variants Minifigs Preview

Poker Batman looks like Harley..

D130 - White Tiger Batman
D131 - Pirate Batman
D132 - Fire Batman
D133 - Ray Batman
D134 - Poker Batman
D135 - Ninja Batman
D136 - Samurai Batman
D137 - Western Cowboy Batman

This was previewed along with other Lele figs.. I do hope that Lele hasn't forgotten the other stuff they've previewed in the past..

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For me though, I hope AngeloMarcus Greenhills gets them soon.. I wanna see if Lele has downgraded their quality again or if they've sticked to being decent.

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  1. Barely any of them have any Bat emblem which makes them look like lazy mix and matches.


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