XINH 1053, X0233: Avengers Endgame Thanos and Quantum Suit Minifigs Preview

The beginning of the mass previews of Endgame minifigs..

The others are in the picture above that aren't labeled below come from XINH X0240.

XINH 1053 - Thanos

Eagle Brand also previewed their own Thanos (Endgame) bigfig; I'm not surprised though that XINH is doing Thanos. Only a matter of time until other brands do the same thing.

XINH 1071 - Black Widow
XINH 1072 - Rocket Raccoon
XINH 1073 - Thor
XINH 1074 - Iron Man
XINH 1075 - Captain America
XINH 1076 - Nebula
XINH 1077 - Ant-Man
XINH 1078 - Hawkeye

Now these Quantum suit variants are different from TLG's and also different from Kopf's own Endgame Quantum Suit minifigs. Most notably, Iron Man has a special torso just for him!

Don't get me wrong, I love Marvel but I think a lot will agree when I say that we will get so many Endgame minifigs from many brands that a lot of stuff won't be exciting. Hopefully the brands also don't forget about new/unique characters as well as other themes.

WM also previewed their own Quantum Suit Avengers, and while I haven't posted those yet (I will soon), Kopf's version comes with free nanofigs which makes them seem more worth it. Now I'm wondering if AngeloMarcus Greenhills will be releasing all three brands or just one/two of them.. As a completionist, I hope they get at least XINH's and Kopf's. 

For non-Philippines readers though, here are some affiliate links for when they become available:

Straying away from the preview, I'm also doing an overhaul of the site's user interface among other changes. I hope to improve the general experience and transition into becoming a more legitimate site than a plain old blog. I'm still relying on Blogger's simple themes though, haha. 

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  1. KOPF's prints, specifically the side seem to be from Leyilebrick while I'm not sure where WM got their's but they they're still different.

    1. Interesting! I'll note that down in my next post to ensure people notice the differences :D

  2. Please do a comparison post between WM, Xinh and Kopf (if you can). I usually just go with Xinh because the quality and designs are often better but in this case I'm not sure which brand to go with! I wonder if any of them have the tiny silver dots on the dark grey sections like the official ones, that would sell it for me.

  3. So Xinh aren't bothering with TLG-accurate minifigures this time?

    1. They'll probably do them accurately in the future, but I hope they don't anymore. I feel like the plastic could be used for something better lol


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