Kopf KF2056: TLM2 Battle-Ready Batman (Tire Armor) Minifig Review

Lele L175: Battle-Ready Batman (Tire Armor) from TLM2 Minifig Review (With KF2056 Preview)

(^ Old tile ^)
Huge mistake on my part: This is supposedly Kopf's version and not Lele's. I won't be making any changes below anymore so just take that into consideration.


First previewed here.

Cape felt cheap. Didn't adjust well to the armor too.

Okay printing for the main body. Could be a useful torso for MOCs?

Plastic nub on the wheel.

Very very very loose torso-legs attachments. Add the belt accessory and it's even less secure; you can't even move him properly without getting detached.

"Iron Man sucks"

Eyes don't fit too exactly to the helmet's eyeholes too.

Lele L175 Grading:

Plastic Quality: 3.5/5
The plastic was okay, it was solid enough but still felt a bit cheap. The tire armor also had some plastic nubs that don't look too nice.

Print Quality: 3.5/5
Print is okay for the most part. It reminds me of old POGO figs which were average in terms of quality.

Build Quality: 3/5
Cape isn't so good. More importantly, the legs-torso connection is really too loose. You might need to glue them together to keep them secure.

Design Choice: 3/5
Average because it's the first (not anymore though) Tire Armor Batman but it's also a TLG design so it's not really hard to find.

Instead of doing a separate post, might as well preview Kopf's own version here too:
Will it be better? Can't tell yet. Though Kopf has been really good recently. THOUGH it's also possible that this is just a rebranded Lele fig. Eitherway, just try and get the original as much as possible while it's at its cheapest!

So far though, I think AngeloMarcus Greenhills only has the Lele version.

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  1. I knew it! When I saw their display, I instantly knew it wasn't Lele's release which is very upsetting.


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