POGO PG8209: Agent Anti-Venom, Rescue Armor, Aquaman, and More Marvel/DC Minifigs Preview

PG1841 - Agent Anti-Venom
PG1842 - Wonderwoman
PG1843 - Cable
PG1844 - Captain America (First Avenger)
PG1845 - Cyclops
PG1846 - Rescue Armor (Pepper Potts)
PG1847 - Aquaman
PG1848 - Iron Spider

Mostly variants.. :/ Though to be fair, they do look good.. but for the most part are just minor redesigns of stuff we already have..

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  1. Apparently the Pg1848 has a female body, so it may be the Mary Jane using the Iron Spider suit as occurred on the comic book The Amazing Spider-Man (2015) #15.


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