PSA: Individually Molded Minifig Leg Parts Update from Sheng Yuan SY6584

Huge thanks to Chin Kok Wai for the pictures! 

I was surprised to see such a nice build for being simply "free parts" but what got my attention was the picture below.


Dual molded legs! But this time, individually pieced dual molded legs. This is great news for customizers! KORUIT, Sheng Yuan, and Sembo (SY is the same as Sembo though) have used similar methods for arms [that can be seen with Daisy Duck above too] but this is the first time we're seeing the legs. I'm hoping more brands can do this so that it's easier to customize our figs. 

I previewed SY6584 here.

Share your thoughts below or through and please like the page for more previews, reviews, MOCs, and more! 


  1. This is really neat! I hope KOPF or WM eventually uses this mold since they seem to seem to use the same factory as SY/DLP every once in a while

  2. This look so cool. nice that some of the parts are free

  3. I find a website with cool blocks, please see it here

  4. I already have 2 blocks and going to have third one. They are so cool


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