XINH X0259: Avengers (2012) Minifigs Preview

XINH 1269 - Iron Man MK 6
XINH 1270 - Chitauri
XINH 1271 - Captain America
XINH 1272 - Loki
XINH 1273 - Captain America (First Avenger)
XINH 1274 - Black Widow
XINH 1275 - Thor
XINH 1276 - Hawkeye

Do they have no regard for their loyal collector customers anymore that they keep making the same characters instead of new ones? :( 

Don't get me wrong, I think they look great, but I also wish they made new characters. Hopefully they start making new ones like Kopf did recently.

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  1. is that a new hair piece for thor?


  2. I think XINH is doing it right. Many collectors want to complete their collection and there are still so many characters missing from the MCU. I like to replace the old versions with the new versions, for example in this wave: Loki, Cap, Thor, Mk6, Hawkeye and Widow (I think they are all better than the old TLG versions). But we also look forward to not yet produced characters from the MCU, for example: Kurse, Laufey / Frost Giants, Aldrich Killian, The Other, Hydra Soldiers WWII ...

    1. XINH, if you read this, please contact me for new ideas:


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