XINH 1255, 1257: Spider-Man Far from Home Water Elemental and Earth Elemental Bigfigs Preview

XINH 1255 - Hydro-Man / Water Elemental
XINH 1257 - Earth Elemental

Only reason I'm calling Water Elemental as Hydro-Man is because he has toys naming him as such while Earth Elemental was never named as Sandman.

Yes, they're just variants but I prefer this over unecessary Iron Man or Batman or Spider-Man bigfig variants. Clever use of reusing the Infinity Gauntlet mold too and it makes sense anyway since the elemental can make big water fists. 

No XINH 1256? Could it be the fire elemental? I hope so.

I also saw the movie already and will do my best to combat any spoilers we might encounter in the comments, etc.

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  1. This is the fire elemental

  2. I think the transblue stones that his gauntlet come with are pretty cool. Will "hydro" had a different head or no hair. Maybe the hair comes off. :)


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