XINH X0269: Laufey, Frigga, and More MCU Thor Minifigures Preview

XH1353 - Odin
XH1354 - Laufey
XH1355 - Bro Thor
XH1356 - Loki (Frost Giant)
XH1357 - Thor (Hydra)
XH1358 - Frigga
XH1359 - Loki with Scepter
XH1360 - Thor

Two new characters, at least: Laufey and Frigga. Interesting? Well arguably not as much as other unmade characters. Even Kurse would've been more interesting than another Thor..

Loki's sceptre looks good though!

So is XINH gonna go through all the MCU movies and make minifigures of them??

Stay tuned for a review of these when they come out. In the mean time, I'll be posting a XINH review in a while!

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  1. I wish 1360 Thor's hair came in that beige-y blonde colour

  2. This 1357 Thor looks more like Hammer of the Hydra Four and his torso begs to be used in the creation of a Militant- and a Bowman-MOC

  3. Finally a new Odin figure. Looks quite clean, just hope his horned helmet will be included, if so it'd be an instant buy on my part. (He also got a horse with 4 legs, sleipnir. That's also an idea for em to make)

  4. I think a kurse figure would be pretty cool. I'd replace the green Thor with a new kurse figure but otherwise the figures look really good.

  5. I think the main piece we all want to see here is the sceptre. Here's hoping it comes out well.


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