JiSi 6859-6870: Cute Doll / BrickHeadz G1 Transformers Preview (Decool)

Decool / JiSi 6859 - Optimus Prime
Decool / JiSi 6860 - Megatron
Decool / JiSi 6861 - Bumblebee
Decool / JiSi 6862 - Soundwave
Decool / JiSi 6863 - Hound
Decool / JiSi 6864 - Kickback

Decool / JiSi 6862 - Jazz
Decool / JiSi 6862 - Starscream
Decool / JiSi 6862 - Blaster
Decool / JiSi 6862 - Shockwave
Decool / JiSi 6862 - Grimlock
Decool / JiSi 6870 - Devastator

I love these and I think they look great, though as much as I want to praise JiSi/Decool, the designs aren't from them. A quick Google search would lead you to this FlickR page where the designs have been seemingly taken from.

When it comes to Chinese brands, it's hard to praise brands for designs because there's always that huge chance that they just took it from somewhere or someone else.

Huge thanks though to Raphael for the heads up and for the identifying the original source of the design!

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  1. this is awsome as a transformer fan ima save up to get this

  2. I wish they'd do these as lego city scale vehicles instead... i'd buy that.


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