KORUIT KT1030: Lord of the Rings Dwarves Minifigures

These look amazing, as expected again from KORUIT.

XP302 - Dwarven Warrior
XP303 - Dwarven Warrior
XP304 - Dwarven Warrior
XP305 - Dwarven Warrior
XP306 - Dwarven Warrior
XP307 - Dwarven Warrior
XP308 - Dwarven Warrior
XP309 - Dwarven Warrior

Seems like KORUIT is trying to complete the LOTR factions which I think is great news for LOTR and medieval/fantasy minifigure fans.

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  1. wonder how do they fit the beard with the armour on. probably a new mould, i would really like a longer beard but heck this does look cool af

    1. The armor is no real armor, as in, not separate from the body, just printed on the minifigure.

    2. At least, that is what i think. The Shoulderpads are separate.

    3. you can clearly see that the armor is a piece by it self, like in other LOTR figures they've made.

    4. Now we can see the armor is real, lol

  2. Dwarf Fortress! These look great. Bunch of epic new weapons! Looks like each might come with a matching Mug of Beer! 🍺 Nice

  3. XP302 - Dain of the Blue Mountain (Thorin cousin)

  4. Typo in header, should be KT1040. KT1030 is for Deadpool.

  5. they look great, what weapon is XP-303 holding? a sword or a spear? kinda wish XP-307 was holding a crossbow or blunderbus instead of a bow. and yes I know LotR didn't have primitive fire arms but I just think it would look good

    I think the legs will move independently and I think the chest piece is a seperate piece from the torso.

    be nice if there where minifigure goats or pig for them to ride on

    1. i do believe that 303 is holding a double-edged sword, which is seen so many time during the hobbit as the traditional rune sword of the dwarves. and i do agree with you on the chest piece is seperate, but that would mean the beard must be a new mould, we'll just have to wait and see

  6. So whats up with Aliexpress? I want to order some of these but no one has them yet. then after looking around there arn't many minifugures listed. lots of my favorite store are closed or have greatly reduced selections.

    1. same thing for me :( , there is no more minifig on allyexpress

    2. I have been talking with Lisas Store. she/he said they will be in stock beginning of May.

    3. Looks like there are some problems with TLG and stores have to change images because of copyright. Few months back some shops started to mention only codes and now Kuruit shows only design pictures (no blocks) - like this http://tinyurl.com/yczhxujw.

  7. How can I find this store on Aliexpress? The stores from which I ordered my Koruit figures seems not to be selling them any more.

  8. It seems to me that the Chinese shops have to change the photos of the figurines. I noticed that some shops had stopped selling them and then reopened the sale with new photos of the minifigs. Given the large number of references it will take time, nothing prevents us from contacting the sellers so that he sends us a pdf of the references they will sell;)

  9. Did someone find them on Aliexpress? I can only find previous Koruit lotr mifigs

    1. Found them! But only in large army lots of 25. They should sell them individually somewhere soon. https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4000970678446.html?spm=2114.12010615.8148356.3.77853ce9eOAV0D

    2. Thanks. Hopefully they will indeed sell them individually soon cause I don't want to buy hundreds of minifig to get them all =D

    3. Here they are! Each individual figure for sale! :D https://www.aliexpress.com/item/4001002799989.html?spm=a2g0o.cart.0.0.451a3c00MXb0BE&mp=1

  10. I heard something a while ago that there was some legal issues with TLG, based on the fact that the minifigures are still protected by an active patent. So I guess all resemblance to what looks like a minifigure had to disappear. But of course the accessories (armor, helmet, weapons etc.) are not protected by such a patent, so they can be still shown in the pictures. Many of the offers on Aliexpress actually state that this will be with figure. So nothing has changed really, just the facade looks a little different now.

  11. https://img.alicdn.com/imgextra/i1/2396919208/O1CN01LIBPQu2HtJZV621r1_!!2396919208.jpg

    These pics have me salivating....
    Armour pieces, ale mugs, movable short legs.
    Hopefully the actuals are true to the pics.

  12. new angels and views. of note what I thought was a bow is a blade weapon with odd angle


  13. Photo taken from a Taobao app store. Real sample.


    1. Thx :)
      here is an image on taobao where there are the eight :


  14. just got mine today. love em, some advice would be to attach the head to the beard piece before attaching to the torso. it's had to get it to fit right if you assemble the normal way of adding everything to the torso


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