DTB DTB136: Great Video (Marvel Boy Villain) Minifig MOC

Also known as Heathrow Vance. He has x-ray vision and if he looks at someone long enough, they can hurt and even kill them. This is proof that staring creeps can hurt us. Hahaha!

He's a pretty generic MOC. For the head, there are lots of similar faces from Robin or other superheroes. I actually used a Red Arrow head and colored the red mask into black, but I recommend just using a Robin or black-masked face.

The torso uses one from a Godfather minifig, but I'm sure there are other figures out there with similar design.

Inspiration image:
He's a villain from the 50s which explains the weird look.

Weird choice to MOC? Yeah for sure, but I really just want to expand the villains in my Marvel collection since there are too many heroes.

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